For parents and carers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Difficulties
Delivered virtually online
Available Now
As a parent, you know how challenging it can be for your child with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other social communication difficulties to interact meaningfully with others and connect with the world around them.
More Than Words is a specialist programme, specifically designed for parents and carers of young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), are going through the diagnostic process or who have social communication difficulties. The programme addresses the unique needs of your child and focus on our natural day-to-day life. You will learn strategies for how you can take every day activities like meal times and bath times and use them to help your child improve their communication skills.
You will have fun together as you learn and will discover that communication is so much more than words!
More Than Words can empower you to help your child:
Improve back and forth social interactions
Improve communication skills
Improve play skills
Improve imitation skills
Improve understanding of language
Some of the things you will learn on a More Than Words Course: ​
How your child communicates right now and the steps to take to build on this
How to use your knowledge about your child to set appropriate and realistic goals
How to make interactions with your child last longer
How to turn every day activities into opportunities for communication
How to develop your child's play skills
How to help your child make friends ​
The More Than Words Course includes:
A 1:1 pre-programme consultation for you and your child
8 training sessions, just for parents - sometimes carried out in small groups
Three 1:1 video sessions in which you are filmed practicing strategies with you child. You will then have a chance to watch the video back with a therapist and discuss any modifications that can make your interactions even more successful.